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Blizzard 10 Jahre - Interview

Blizzard ist ja nun auch neben id 10 Jahre alt geworden und aus dem Anlass gibt es ein großes Interview (engl) bei IGN.PC. Leute zieht's euch rein.

IGNPC: It's hard to believe Blizzard, in some form or another, has been around for 10 years now. Looking back on it all, would you do anything differently?

Frank Pearce: I don't think we could have done anything differently and achieved the success we've experienced. When we started out we spent almost a year working primarily on ports. Ports of existing games were a great learning experience and proving ground for us as we moved on to developing original SNES titles. The SNES titles we worked on were original development, but small enough in scale that we weren't overwhelmed. When we started work on the original Warcraft after about three years of ports and SNES titles, we were prepared to succeed because of the earlier work we had done. Our efforts didn't come without a price, though. Our commitment to making great games oftentimes resulted in long, long hours at the office. We were young, and this didn't seem like it made an impact on our lifestyle. It does cause tension in your personal relationships when you're that committed to your work. It's a tough road to travel, but any less time or effort would not have gotten us where we are today.

02.02.2001, 04:38 [Joe]