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Fallout Tactics Interview

Ein Q&A Spiel zu dem Strat-RPG gibt's bei MGON (engl).
Hier mal was von dem Stoff

Dale: In the forums there has been a lot of debate over exactly how the character progression in single player and multiplayer will work. Is it possible for you to shed some more light on just how this will work? Ed Orman: Karl can answer that one. Karl Burdack: Character progression in single player works exactly like Fallout. You still choose a starting character, and that can be customized. The difference is now all your squad members can level up, and you can decide how they allocate skills and perks etc.

Most of the fan discussions on this relate to Multiplayer. It is slightly different; you can level up during a multiplayer game, and allocate skills etc. The player can save out their characters anytime, to be added to the squad pool and re-use them in later multiplayer games. Its still being tweaked so I can’t give any more details than that :)

11.02.2001, 20:32 [Joe]

Fallout Tactics Interview - News