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CPL - Counter-Strike - Quake III Artikel

Ein höchst interessanter Artikel (engl) wurde auf 3DAP veröffentlicht, in dem es um die CPL und deren Vorzügen von Counter-Strike gegenüber Quake III geht. Es ist vor allem lohnenswert, wenn du schon eine Weile online dabei bist.

Counter-Strike is potentially a larger moneymaker as far as the professional gaming leagues are concerned because it appeals to a larger market. To do well in a Quake tournament, you have to have refined skills. To refine your skills, it takes hours and hours of work, and some players no matter how hard they try will never be of good enough caliber to do well in a competitive setting. Frustration while learning Quake runs rampant, and is apparent every time a good player enters a public server. Anything that a newbie player does not know how to do makes a player a "BOT!!" or "cheater!" I often see my roommate called a cheater when he plasma climbs.

26.04.2001, 12:34 [Joe]