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John Carmack Interview

Bei GSpy gibt es ein Interview (engl) mit John Carmack dem geistigen Vater von Quake und id Software. Das Interview dreht sich größtenteils um Dinge wie online games, Xbox und anderen netten Dingen des Lebens.

GameSpy: What do you feel to be your biggest contribution to the world of interactive arts and sciences?

John Carmack: As a part of id Software, the distinctive feel of a first-person shooter may be the broadest accomplishment. 3D games were certainly going to exist, but they could have all gone the way of Ultima Underworld or Mario 64, rather than taking the action-arcade route. Personally, most of my technical accomplishments are just temporary. Because of the nature of Moore's law, anything that an extremely clever graphics programmer can do at one point can be replicated by a merely competent programmer some number of years later.

26.04.2001, 13:15 [Joe]