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Simon the Sorcerer
Wird kommen!

Aufgepasst, liebe Adventure-Freunde, es gibt Gutes zu berichten. Denn Silver Style Entertainment hat sich die Rechte der Simon the Sorcerer-Serie gesichert. In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft soll also die Serie fortgeführt werden.

Yes, we bought the right to develop StS4 and to release it worldwide. We also have options to develop more sequels for PC and consoles.

The game will be completly in 3D, but without any action parts. StS4 will be a classical adventure like Simon 1+2 or Monkey Island. Mike Woodroffe will give input regarding the story and will be informed about the whole development process. The release of StS4 will be in Q3 06.

Quelle: Bluesnews
28.11.2005, 17:18 [Knaeckebrot]

Simon the Sorcerer - News