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Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory
Trailer & Screenshots

Fans der Sudden Strike dürften sich freuen, noch im 3. Quartal diesen Jahres will uns Fireglow Games mit dem dritten Teil der Reihe, Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory, beglücken.
Wir haben unsere Archive einem Update unterzogen und halten nun für euch einen feinen Trailer bereit, der gut 85MB groß ist und anderthalb Minuten lang Ausschnitte aus einer der Pazifik-Kampagnen zeigt, sowei ein paar Screenshots.

Für alle, die der englischen Sprache mächtig sind, hier noch ein paar Infos zum "Teamplay" der verschiedenen Kampfverbände in Sudden Strike 3:
  • Naval battles supported by aviations - There will be short- and long-range bomber, torpedo bombers, attack bombers, fighters, and transports. Many players will be pleased by having mobile airfields. Groups of ships with carriers will be a powerful force capable of not only to conduct operations at sea, but also to support the large ground operations (supported by carrier-based aircrafts and large-caliber on-ship guns).
  • Submarines and aviation hunting enemy's transport ships caravans - Using different types of submarines in special operations, one can make sudden strikes on transports and battle ships of opponents; if the strike succeeds, the enemy will lose part of the reinforcement, and will lose opportunity to have significant navy.
  • Radar systems will allow player to more successfully defend of air and naval attacks of opponents.
  • Caravans of transport ships, supplying player with tanks, infantry, fuel, and ammo.
  • Ports playing an important role in the game, because infantry and cargo are delivered there.
  • Reconnaissance is one of constituent parts of the game, because land operations take vast territories.

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    Quelle: Pressemeldung
    28.04.2006, 17:51 [Tom]

  • Sudden Strike 3: Arms for Victory - News