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Alien vs. Pretator II Interview + Shots

naja AvP war für mich nie so der Bringer, vor allem das Speicherproblem, doch wollen wir immer eine zweite Chance gewähren und so kommt AvP II mit einem Interview (engl) auf AvPNews und außerdem gibt es neue Shotsbei VE.

SG: NOLF introduced a lot of fancy gadgets in addition to the range of weaponry. Now it seems AvP2 will enjoy similar additions – such as the Marine's hand welder, an electronic lockpick, the shoulder lamp (much missed from the first AvP) and other goodies. Will these play an important role in the game? And can you tell us about some of the gadgetry that the Predator will receive?

DS: Well…all the Marine stuff you mentioned is going to be TOTALLY crucial. There will be situations where you need to use the torch to cut through to gain access…and that's gonna get puh-retty hairy if there's Aliens coming towards you at the time. Likewise you're going to have to seal doors and vents behind you using that welder to keep them from piling up at your back. At this point we don't really want to say too much about Preddy's gadgets…but I think you'll dig 'em!

17.05.2001, 14:25 [Joe]