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Etherlords Entwicklertagebuch

Naja bei wem wird das wohl kommen, na bei Gamespy, wen es also interessiert, der schau sich mal das Tagebuch (engl) an.

Last week I told you that we decided to get rid of the idea of the compound spell-books and compiled our first fully playable version of Etherlords in autumn 2001. The game had two combat screens, almost the entire pack of heroes and creatures for two of the races, and the fully playable combat mode. Each race had an individual set of spells, and heroes of one race could not use spells of other races. This approach definitely added re-playability value to the game: you could try playing on the side of the four races subsequently, and each new time you would be playing a completely different game because each race had a very distinct and individual combat style.

This is how it (the above) now looks in the game. This concept slightly changed with time, thanks to habitual sobriety displayed by Evgeny Ivanov a.k.a. John, Etherlords lead programmer. A player forced to complete the game four times might find it a little too much, even if he was as madly in love with the game as we were. So we split the game scenario in two branches, where you would play for two allied races and have a chance to apply two different combat styles at a time.

08.07.2001, 12:54 [Joe]