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Jason Jones Interview (Halo)

Bungie? Na, ja lange hat man nichts mehr von den Jungs gehört, doch nun meldet sich gleich der CEO Jason Jones in einem Interview auf bungie-net. Klar dreht sich das Interview größtenteils, um das von denen entwicklete Spiel Halo, welches ja schon seit einiger Zeit diskutiert wird.

Q: At what point in the development process was it decided it was not possible to create the truly "seamless" world as originally announced? Would that have required at least some computer-generated terrain, and if so was such ever coded or used in Halo at any stage?

A: There should be a stage in every product where the ludicrous is thought possible, where the team blazes trails right to the edge of the abyss in a hundred directions. Only through great risks are great things achieved, and all that. We were at this stage on Halo when we stupidly did a series of magazine interviews during E3. I'm surprised they didn't print the parts about stately pleasure domes and caverns measureless to man, too.

We had code running, back in Chicago, that spooled in and out geometry as you traversed an enormous world (an archipelago created during an ancient asteroid strike, back when the fortress worlds were planets and not rings), but our ideas changed. We wanted more fighting and less wandering. Action, not exploration. That giant world was sure cool, but it was more appropriate for an RPG game, which is not, in the end, what we decided to create.

19.12.2001, 12:01 [Joe]