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Deus Ex 2 Interview

Passend zu unserer Preview hat Gamespot jetzt ein Interview (engl) mit den Entwicklern von Deus Ex 2 geführt. Warren Spector selbst beantwort die teilweise interessanten Fragen aber nicht so tollen Antworten. Hier jedenfalls ein kleiner Ausschnitt.

GS: You and the team probably have other game ideas in mind--why a Deus Ex sequel rather than a completely new idea?

WS: You're right when you say there's no shortage of game ideas around here! If we'd felt like striking out in entirely new directions, we could have. In reality, though, we spent a lot of time on Deus Ex figuring out what the heck kind of game we were making (and nearly as long making sure it was fun!). We made a lot of mistakes and we identified all sorts of ways in which we could have done better. That's the most compelling reason to return to the world of Deus Ex in a sequel--we know we can do better and we know how.

Beyond that, though, you just have to look at how expensive game development has become, how risky it is, and how much it costs even to try launching an entirely new game if you hope to compete with all the sequels and licensed games out there. From a survival standpoint, we'd be nuts not to follow up on the success of Deus Ex. Having said that, we're not just churning out a quickie sequel using old technology and old gameplay with a dollop of new story stuff. If anything, we're taking advantage of the success of Deus Ex to take even more risks on Deus Ex 2. The code is entirely new. The art is entirely new. The story is entirely new. The game systems have been redesigned, merged, and made more compelling based on what we now know about Deus Ex-like games. I don't think anyone will be able to accuse us of taking the easy way out with Deus Ex 2 or of trying to make a quick buck!

16.01.2002, 06:38 [Joe]

Deus Ex 2 Interview - News