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UT 2003: Demo im Anmarsch

In den letzten Tagen kursieren Gerüchte bezüglich einer Demo zu Unreal Tournament 2003 herum, die im Mai released werden soll.

Auf unserer NewsNet-Partnerseite Unreal2Zone findet man folgende Meldung von offizieller Seite vor:

"Epic stated that a public demo for Unreal 2003 would be ready for consumption come E3 this May. I forecast the demo will break download records in the blink of an eye. Also announced, is a new benchmarking suite that utilizes the Unreal engine. Epic has been a bit hazy as to when the public will actually see this tool. A press release earlier today sounded like the tool was ready to go, and would be available shortly, but our sources at GDC say otherwise. Apparently Anandtech had already got their hands on the tool, and gave it a test drive, but an Epic rep stated the likely official release of the tool would be around the release of Unreal Tournament 2003. I sure would like to have that puppy right here, right now! Oh well. So much to look forward to. Happy waiting!"

Na, das hört sich doch ganz gut an. Wir werden euch diesbezüglich natürlich auf dem Laufenden halten.

25.03.2002, 20:42 [elbehno]