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Fünf E3-Awards für Doom III

Gleich fünf E3-Awards sahnte Doom III von ID Software ab - Best of Show, Best PC Game, Best Action Game, Special Commendation for Sound and Special Commendation for Graphics.

"We’ve set out to blow people away with DOOM III, and the demonstration at E3 was a tremendous success," so Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. "People have now seen that in everything from graphics and sound to atmosphere and gameplay, we are creating the most advanced and uniquely frightening game ever."

Larry Goldberg, executive vice president, Activision Worldwide Studios ergänzt: "It is a great honor for DOOM III to be recognized in five categories by the people who most closely follow our industry. We are thrilled to continue working with id Software on this legendary franchise."

24.06.2002, 21:01 [Ubi]