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Richard Garriott Interview

Nun ist es schon eine ganze Weile her seitdem Richard Garriott sich von Origin trennte, doch jetzt ist das erste Interview (engl) mit ihm geführt worden. Es ist schön, dass die Alten noch nicht schlafen! Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt:

GameSpy: Can you share some of your favorite memories of the past 20-some odd years?

Richard Garriott: Wow, so many! Working late nights on crunch, and getting giddy at 2:00 am Sunday night going on Monday, piling about 8 of us into the recording studio and recording programmer blues and wrap songs. Going to trade shows, and showing off games pre-release. Playing elaborate pranks on employees when they were out of town, like removing their office physically from the building and sealing up the doors, repainting, etc. Working with some great creative and technical talent, who put things in games that the world had never seen the likes of before.

07.01.2001, 15:59 [Joe]

Richard Garriott Interview - News