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American McGee Interview

Und heute mal das etwas andere Interview (engl). Zum Beispiel zieht euch das rein:

BP: It is well known that the gaming community as a whole feasts on fast food and unhealthy snacks. What are some your favorite types of foods, and do you have a local favorite restaurant hangout?

AM: It's actually pretty hard to find lots of fast food in the Bay Area. Or maybe I'm not looking hard enough. In any case I try to eat as healthy as possible. My favorite foods are sushi, californian cuisine (whatever that is), chinese, japanese, italian... uh, wait. I like everything except fast food. Names of places (in the city)? Mecca, Sushi Groove (south), any place where I can get good dim sum, Izzy's steak house, Alice's (chinese), and Noe Valley pizza.

08.01.2001, 16:15 [Joe]

American McGee Interview - News