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Keine Demo von Unreal 2

Nach einer Forums-Mitteilung eines Infogrames-Mitarbeiters (Achtung, Registrierung notwendig) wird eine Demo zu Unreal 2 aus Zeitgründen nicht erscheinen. Stattdessen plane man so schnell wie möglich ein Gameplay-Video zu veröffentlichen, da es weniger Aufwand kostet.
Wer sich nicht im Forum registrieren möchte, hier die interessante Stelle:
There was never any time in the development schedule to produce a demo. Unfortunately, Legend won‘t have time to create one now as they‘re moving on to other things. In the mean time, we hope to create something that‘ll keep you occupied.
I can‘t reveal too much right now as we‘ve yet to hammer out all of the details.
As much as we‘d like to create a ‘true‘ demo, it‘s simply not possible. Legend have moved on to other projects and the production of a demo - even from already existing levels would require time and effort that we just don‘t have. It would then have to go through QA - another organization that is working on other projects and cannot dedicate time to a UII demo. It‘s all about the allocation of ‘assets‘.
However, as I mentioned above, we plan to put something out that as you say - will allow people to see what the game looks and plays like without any editing or ‘tricks‘. Raw gameplay.
It‘s going to be hard to get this video out before launch (the game will be on shelves on the 4th (USA), 7th (Europe)), but I hope that we have it online before too long. We‘ll try to spread it as far and wide as we did the UT2003 demo.
Unreal Brand Manager
Infogrames Inc.

28.01.2003, 21:43 [Alexander Eck]