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Serious Sammage Interview

Bei den ach so lieben Kollegen von VE könnt ihr ein Interview zu SSam (engl) bestaunen.

Voodoo Extreme -- With the success, at least on the net, with Serious Sam (which hasn't been released in stores, so we have no idea how she'll do), have you started to think about your next game?

Think we'll see a Serious Sam 2, or would you like to do something totally different? Can we expect a story-driven game, or a story that's lite on the, um, actual story, but heavy on the action, similar to Serious Sam? We'll go with Serious Sam 2. We are 10 man team and we can't do 2 projects at the same time. We already have tons of ideas that we can't implement, as we need to wait for technology to catch up with our design. Also, we'll go with engine licensing. There is a great market for us. We are already receiving offers from investors who are seeing great potential in Croteam and our engine property. And they want to get in fast, before "big boys" realize we have great technology and even greater engine design for future.

11.01.2001, 16:30 [Joe]