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Anachronox Interview

Ein Interview (engl) mit Tom Hall, ihr wisst schon der Typ bei Ion Storm, gab ein Interview bei TechTV, in dem es um Anachronox und die Entwicklung des FPS geht.

On conflict in videogames

"I think conflict is one of the crucial elements in either competition or gameplay, but it depends on what context the conflict appears. The game that comes to mind as a counter-example is Pokemon Snap. It's a rail-shooter essentialy, but you're taking pictures of animals. You're trying to get good shots of them and your conflict is not necessarily against someone, or those people, it's against your ability to move fast. It's against your ability to scare them out of the bushes and throw them food. So there's an essence of conflict in it, like there's conflict in a lot of different arenas of life."

25.01.2001, 02:45 [Joe]