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Arcanum Interview

Ein weiteres Interview (engl) mit Leonard Boyarsky gibt es auf Sharky. Das Spiel von Troika Games sieht schon auf den ersten Blick anders aus. Es ist ein RPG der etwas anderen art, nicht eines dieser Fantasyklone.

Sharky Extreme: There have been few attempts to bring the classic fantasy races, the likes of orcs and ogres, out of the middle ages. Why do you think we haven't seen this before? Shadowrun attempted it but it was a hate-it or love-it RPG, do you think this will have a broader range of interest by gamers?

Leonard Boyarsky: I honestly don't know why we haven't seen this before. When we first came up with the idea, I wondered that myself. I think that one of the possible reasons has been the marketplace – fantasy RPGs seem to do better across the board than those with other settings. We hope that in Arcanum we will be able to appeal to those looking for a good fantasy RPG as well as those looking for something a bit different.

27.01.2001, 04:01 [Joe]