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ARX Fatalis Preview

Auf PC.IGN gibt es eine neue Preview (engl) zu dem 3D Rollenspiel (Denkt an TunnelRPGs) mit großer Story und lustigen Rittern.

Well as an initiate of sorts into the underground world of Arx, you'll need to break your way out of jail and begin your journey through the various warrens under the earth where all surviving life has fled to live near the warm core of the planet. Through eight immense areas of the game where you'll encounter all varieties of intelligent, non-intelligent, and in-between Tal/goblinesque sort of intelligent creatures, you'll need to uncover your past and play a part in stopping a cult from bringing about the destruction of the planet. It seems they think they can bring back the sun by penning a little pact with a demon named Akbaa. Of course, this demon, being a demon, has no intention of honoring the deal and probably plans on destroying everything that lives just for giggles.

23.08.2001, 06:15 [Joe]

ARX Fatalis Preview - News